

👯‍♀️Ballet – Level 1

Ages:  5-8

Tuesdays at 4-4:45pm – CLASS FULL

Tuesdays at 5-5:45pm

👯‍♀️Ballet – Level 2/3

Ages:  8-15

Mondays at 6-7pm

✏️Sign up today!!:

Ballet for every level!  Session A classes begin August 12.  Please place your student by age before level.  If the student needs to be moved, the teacher will let you know.  Time in class will be spent learning ballet terms and technique.  Leotard, tights, and ballet shoes, along with taking both sessions are recommended.  We will end Session B with our 4th annual Holiday Performance n’ Picnic on 12/14!

#8countdanceaz #ballet #dancefriends